Anishnawbe Health Toronto has purchased, for a nominal fee, 2.4 acres of land in the West Don lands (Block 10) from The Province of Ontario which will be the site of the new Indigenous Health Centre. This prominent site was part of the 2015 PanAm/ParaPanAm Games Athletes’ Village, and is adjacent to the thriving Distillery District, the new Cherry Streetcar line and near the popular Corktown Common. The new Anishnawbe Health Toronto building will be the first project on the site of a new Indigenous Community Hub for the city at this location.
Anishnawbe Health Foundation is mounting a campaign to fund the building and to support programs at the new Centre.
Storytelling & Traditional Teachings
Join Anishnawbe Health Toronto for a series of storytelling presentations on enduring troubling times, surviving challenges, keeping families strong, and emerging stronger for it all. Elders and Knowledge Holders from across Turtle Island will share their experiences as well as stories within their own cultures and Nations.
Wisdom Weaver | Presentation Title | Presentation Date | |
Diane Longboat | “Tending to Spirit: Sharing Our Stories” | January 28, 2022 | |
Brenda Johnson | “Our Responsibility to Care for Our Elders During Difficult Times” | March 4, 2022 | |
Dylan Courchene | “Creation Stories: Identity and the 4 Individual Gifts Given by Creator” | April 1, 2022 | |
Pete Keshane | “Relationships” | May 13, 2022 | |
Bob Goulais | “How We Understand Our Creator and the First Creation Energy” | June 10, 2022 | |
Kevin Deer | “Giving a Spiritual Inoculation” | July 8, 2022 | |
Wanbdi Wakita | “Wholism as It Applies to the Way of Living” | July 29, 2022 | |
Pahan Pte San Win | “Stories from Lived Experience: Overcoming Adversaries
& the Life Lessons that come from that.” |
August 26, 2022 | |
Be’sha Blondin | When the World Was New: How and Why We Were Created | September 30, 2022 | |
Donna Augustine | Reclaiming Our Traditions, Our Ceremonies, and Our Spirit | October 28, 2022 | |
Avery Denny |
November 25, 2022 | |
Perry McLeod-Shabogesic | We Are All Stories Waiting to Be Told | March 31, 2023 | |
Peter Wynne | Passing Down Teachings | September 28, 2023 |
All are welcome to view the presentation starting at 12 noon EST on the dates above,
on Anishnawbe Health Toronto’s Facebook page: Facebook.com/Anishnawbe